Chungdo Pharmaceuticals

Chungdo Pharmaceuticals - A Leading Global Medical Device Manufacturer

Chungdo Pharmaceuticals - A Leading Global Medical Device Manufacturer





Prod.Name Package size
Bil Uro Ketone Protein Nitrite Glucose pH SG Leukocyte ASA Microalbumin Creatinine Calcium
Self-Stik G 50/100
Self-Stik P 50/100
Self-Stik K 50/100
Self-Stik Ca 1/10/25
Self-Stik 2GP 50/100
Self-Stik 2GK 50/100
Self-Stik 2U 50/100
Self-Stik 2MC 1/10/25
Self-Stik 3 50/100
Self-Stik 3K 50/100
Self-Stik 4 50/100
Self-Stik 4SG 50/100
Self-Stik 5 50/100
Self-Stik 6 50/100
Self-Stik 6SG 50/100
Self-Stik 7 50/100
Self-Stik 8 50/100
Self-Stik 9 50/100
Self-Stik 10L 50/100
Self-Stik 11 50/100
Self-Stik 12C 50/100
Self-Stik 13 50/100
Self-Stik 14 50/100
Self-Stik 1 Series

Self-Stik G: Glucose
Self-Stik P: Protein
Self-Stik K: Ketones
Self-Stik FR: Free Radical
Self-Stik Ca: Calcium
Self-Stik Nico: Nicotine
Self-Stik NO: Nitric Oxide
Self-Stik MK: Milk Ketosis

Self-Stik2 Series

Self-StikGP: Glucose, Protein
Self-Stik 2PK: Protein, Ketones
Self-Stik 2UB: Bilirubin, Urobilinogen
Self-Stik 2CP: Creatinine, pH
Self-Stik UTI: Nitrite, Leukocyte

Self- Stik 3 Series

Self-Stik PGP: Glucose, Protein, pH
Self-Stik KPG: Ketones, Protein, Glucose

Self- Stik 4 Series

Self-Stik4: Glucose, Protein, pH, Blood
Self-Stik 4SG: Glucose, Protein, pH, Specific Gravity

Self- Stik 5 Series

Self-Stik5: Glucose, Protein, pH, Blood, Ketone

Self- Stik 6 Series

Self-Stik6: Glucose, Protein, pH, Blood, Ketone, Bilirubin

Other Series

Self-Stik 7: Glucose, Protein, pH, Blood, Ketone, Bilirubin, Nitrite
Self-Stik 8: Glucose, Protein, pH, Blood, Ketone, Bilirubin, Nitrite, Urobilinogen
Self-Stik 9: Glucose, Protein, pH, Blood, Ketone, Bilirubin, Nitrite, Urobilinogen, SG.
Self-Stik 10: Glucose, Protein, pH, Blood, Ketone, Bilirubin, Nitrite, Urobilinogen, SG. Leucocytes
Self-Stik 11: Glucose, Protein, pH, Blood, Ketone, Bilirubin, Nitrite, Urobilinogen, SG, Leucocytes, Ascorbic Acid.
Self-Stik 12: Glucose, Protein, pH, Blood, Ketone, Bilirubin, Nitrite, Urobilinogen, SG, Leucocytes, Ascorbic Acid, Microalbumin
Self-Stik 13: Glucose, Protein, pH, Blood, Ketone, Bilirubin, Nitrite, Urobilinogen, SG, Leucocytes, Ascorbic Acid, Microalbumin, Creatinine
Self-Stik 14: Glucose, Protein, pH, Blood, Ketone, Bilirubin, Nitrite, Urobilinogen, SG, Leucocytes, Ascorbic Acid, Microalbumin, Creatinine, Calcium

Note: Self-Stik Series is used together with our urine analysis instrument ‘AS720(2 to 11)’ or ‘AS300(2 to 11)’ or CK-60(10 or 11) at hospitals.
We can also produce any new configurations in case of your need.

Urine Test Strip

Self-Stik Series

Key Features