Chungdo Pharmaceuticals

Chungdo Pharmaceuticals - A Leading Global Medical Device Manufacturer

Chungdo Pharmaceuticals - A Leading Global Medical Device Manufacturer





Home Diagnostic Strips

Self-Stik 3K
(Diabetes Test)

Key Features

Self-Stik 3K (Diabetes Test)

Self-Stik 3K Test Strip is a screening test for early detection and monitoring of diabetes (diabetes mellitus) and metabolic anomalies. It is a simple urine test that detects protein, glucose, and ketones levels in urine. These urine test strips serve exclusively for detecting morbid (pathological) changes in human urine.

The test is also suitable

- In preventive diagnosis (screening)
- For monitoring progress or relapse during therapy
- For self-monitoring by the patient.

Self-Stik 3K Test Strip is a simple urine test that detects protein, glucose, and ketones levels in urine.

- A screening test for early detection and monitoring of diabetes (diabetes mellitus) and metabolic anomalies.
- Detects morbid (pathological) changes in human urine.

Result Interpretation